12, March 2025 
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Customs rewards compliant Importers and Exporters with faster clearances.                    ICD customs have expanded the facility of Green Channel to compliant Importers.            Importers who have been granted the facility of Green Channel at Major Custom Houses will automatically get the facility at ICDs Delhi.         For details, refer to the Public Notice.


                 Inland Container Depot, Delhi Customs - About Tughlakabad               


About Delhi ICDs             
ICD Tuglakabad
ICD Patparganj
ICD Ballabhgarh            ICD Gari Harsaru         FPO Delhi

Importing from ICDs       
Locate container status Documentation
Where to file
Appraisement Stages Appraisement in Action Examination Process

Exporting from                   ICD             
Where to file
Export Processing
Examination Process

Transfer of Residence     
Know the Rules
Where to file

Your Container Status
Why Honesty is the best Policy
Budget 2002

Notifications/Circulars 2002
Public Notices 2002

Know the Organization

Reward to the            Informers

Grievance Redressal Guest Book

Downloadable Forms       









The ICD Tughlakabad is the largest dry port in South Asia and the leading centre for importers and exporters of the Northern Region.  This ICD began functioning at Tughlakabad in 1993, prior to which it was located at Pragati Maidan.  The Custodian of this ICD is Container Corporation of India Ltd (CONCOR), which is the Public Sector Undertaking.  CONCOR are also the carriers, through rail, of import and export containers between ICD Tughlakabad and the Gateway Ports of Mumbai, Nhava Sheva and Chennai.  This ICD is the focal Port for the ICDs at PPG,  Faridabad and Garhi Harsaru and the movement of the containers between the ICDs to and fro takes place by road.  The Customs area houses two covered Sheds, one for import and the other for exports.  The main CONCOR building houses the administrative staff of Customs and CONCOR as well as the offices of CHAs and Shipping lines.  The staff working at ICD Tughlakabad is the regular Departmental staff and not on cost recovery basis.  The traffic as well as the revenue from this port has been going up over the year which can be seen in the charts below:

Containers Handled:

Comparative Customs Revenue:


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